The Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) is an active entity in the European scientific landscape. Teams focusing on the solar system studies and monitoring participate in particular to the following six activities:
IDIS Atmospheres Node Part of the EUROPlaNet Project, this Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS) presents the status of planetary atmospheres research: knowledge, databases, and tools.
The quality of forecasts of future climate change depends on the capability to distinguish human-induced changes and natural variability of climate. Among natural causes which can have an effect on climate, the solar variability is probably one of the most important. The VOSCAT (Virtual Observatory Solar-Climate-ATmosphere) will help to develop the study of relations between Solar Variability and Climate.
FONDUE compiles and analyses space measurements of the interplanetary UV background, obtained over 3 decades, by probes such as Voyager 1/2, Pioneer 10/11, Pioneer-Venus, Cassini, Galileo, HST, SOHO, Mars-Express, Venus-Express, and SWAN/SOHO.
PAMPRE is an experimental setup used to simulates planetary atmospheres, particularly Titan and its Tholins, thanks to a RF Plasma.
PROGRA2 PROGRA2 ( PRopriétés Optiques des GRains Astronomiques et Atmosphériques) instrument is a gonio-photopolarimeter providing the phase function of the polarization and of the radiance of a scattering medium. |
BDAP takes care of the organisation, setup, evolution, and valorisation of the data from - or related to - space experiments, all of which studying and monitoring the planetary environments and the small bodies of our solar system. |
Arctic Studies is a website which provides maps, in order to give a panel of the Arctic Studies existing.
VO-Planetology This working group studies and develops various standard formats and tools for the Virtual Observatory in the planetology area, focusing mainly on FITS, PDS (and PSA), SPASE and NetCDF. |
TELLODIE Water vapor total column measurements at Observatoire de Haute Provence (Fr), have been obtained using the 193-cm telescope with Elodie high-resolution spectrometer, on a daily basis for 10 years, and are now available on-line.
DFBS, aka Digitized First Byurakan Survey, is the digitized version of the famous Markarian survey, called also the First Byurakan Survey (FBS). It is the largest spectroscopic database in the world, providing low-dispersion spectra for 20,000,000 objects.
Contact for this web site:
Alain Sarkissian, (Alain.Sarkissian(at)
11 Boulevard d'Alembert
78280 Guyancourt